A Day in the Life of a Young Person with Anxiety




In this article we outline the creation of boundary objects as just one of the means to communicate the results of the Youth's Voices research study that sought to understand young people's experiences of living with anxiety. Fifty-eight young people living with anxiety took part in open-ended interviews complemented by photovoice. As one knowledge translation strategy, themes emerging from the data were transformed into boundary objects of a series of video vignettes representing dance interpretations of the themes. The video vignettes revealed meaningful interpretations of the young people's experiences, creating the potential for enhanced empathy and understanding, and reduced stigma for young people living with anxiety. The creation of boundary objects affords the opportunity to communicate the experiences of young people living with anxiety to a wider audience of policy makers, health care practitioners, researchers, as well as the general community.



Dr. Roberta Woodgate’s research program, IN•GAUGE, embraces a dynamic approach to: involve children, youth and families; interact with researchers and knowledge users in the research, intervention and evaluation process; and be innovative in the use and exchange of knowledge with the combined goal of improving health care/access to care and quality of life for children, youth and families. 

Video vignettes are available in English, French and Cree. Educational resources are currently being developed. Please contact us for more information on such resources. 

The research team is grateful to all the young people and their families who shared their experiences with us. 


This video series available in English, French, and Cree


A Day in the Life of a Young Person with Anxiety 

Anxiety disorders are one of the most prevalent mental health challenges in youth and although there is a growing amount of research that focuses on anxiety in youth, including its symptoms and the factors that contribute to it, this research does not always look at what youth think and feel. What is often missing is what it is like to be a youth living with anxiety. With that in mind, Dr. Roberta Woodgate and her team undertook a research project entitled “Youth Voices: Their Lives and Experiences Living with Anxiety Disorder.” 

Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the project involved youth sharing their experiences through interviews and taking photographs. Roberta and her team reviewed the interviews and photographs and developed themes. Working with local choreographer Philippe-Alexandre Jacques, the themes were then developed into a series of 5 dance vignettes that details the experiences of young people living with anxiety. The dances were recorded in a variety of public settings throughout Winnipeg, resulting in a final collection of five videos produced by Wookey Films.


Une journée typique dans la vie d’un jeune attaint de troubles anxieux

Les troubles anxieux font partie des problèmes de santé mentale les plus répandus chez les jeunes. Malgré qu’il existe de plus en plus de recherches portant sur les symptômes et les facteurs rattachés à l’anxiété chez les jeunes, peu d’études s’intéressent à leurs pensées et à leurs sentiments. La compréhension du quotidien des jeunes souffrant de troubles anxieux fait souvent défaut dans ces recherches. 

C’est dans cette optique que la Dre Roberta Woodgate et son équipe ont entreprit un projet de recherche intitulé «Youth Voices: Their Lives and Experiences Living with an Anxiety Disorder». Pour cette étude financée par les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, des jeunes ont partagé leur expérience avec l’anxiété à l’aide d’entrevues et de photographies. Roberta et son équipe ont examiné ces entrevues et ces images afin de cerner des thèmes. Ils se sont ensuite associés à un chorégraphe local, Philippe-Alexandre Jacques, afin de développer ces thèmes et créer 5 vignettes de danse qui évoquent l’expérience de ces jeunes souffrant de troubles anxieux. Ces pièces de danse ont été filmées à Winnipeg dans divers lieux publics pour former une série de cinq vidéos produites par Wookey Films. 


Péyak kísikáw ésí pimácihót awa oskátis ká tápitawi pipikwénitak

Pipikwènitamowina itáspinéwina ékwáni máwaci péyak ómamitonénitamihikok énócihikot awa oskátis éko ata mistahi énatonakik ókik maskikíwininiwak anima kékwán pipikwénitamowina ká nócihikocik ókik oskátisak, éko mina ká oci pisikatatámak óko kékwán ká takoki ita ká oci isi ayámakak. óma isi natonikéwin móna tápitaw kinawápatamwak tánisi éténitakak ana oskátis éko tánisi étamacihót. Ayíw mána wésám piko éká ká wícikáték isa tánisi éténitamacihót ana oskátis óma ká tápitawi pipikwénitamowinot. 

Ékwánima oci awa Dr R. Woodgate éko anihi ówítatoskénákana kákí mácitácik “Oskátisak Opétákosiwiniwáw. Opimátisiwiniwáw éko anima ká Tápitawi Pipikwénikamowinicik.” Ká oci tipahikáték C.I.H.R. óma ká mámawi ositániwak oskátisak ká ánimótakik anima otitáspinéwiniwáw éko mina écakástésimicik. Roberta éko aniki ówítatoskénákana ká kítwám kí kinawápatamwak anihi oskatisak ostitéwiniwáwa éko anihi kákí cá cakástésimicik éko ékota kí ocí ositániwana ké isi itwémakaki. Kákí wítatoskémácik anihi ká kiskinawámákét níminániwana óta oci Philippe-Alexandre Jacques ká itit. Anihi káwí isi twémakaki kékwána kí ositániwana niyánan nanátok itowa níminániwana ta nókotácik éko ta wítakik tánisa éténitákok óma ká oskátisiyan éko ta tápitawi pipikwétamwiyáspinéyan. Anihi nanátok nimihitowina misiwé óta Winnipeg kí papá cakástécikániwana anihi, éko kí mámawastániwan péyak cakástécikan ta takok ta nókok éko ayáwak oma kákí ositácik Wookey Films.